"Yesterday, on the tenth anniversary of her death, TLC announced a new tour which will incorporate Left Eye through archived footage. Perhaps inspired by the Tupac hologram at Coachella this year, the group says they will have Left Eye singing with them while her image is projected onto a giant screen."Many things first came to mind when I read this. The first being, "I can't believe they are exploiting her death to go out on tour again." My second contradictory thought was, "This new trend is allowing people to relive and appreciate music from deceased artists such as Left Eye and Tupac in a revolutionary way. And, that is something quite magnificent."
However, with both of these thoughts in my head, I think about this concept in perspective to the ideas of worship and resurrection. This is no different than other resurrection mythologies found in our world's history. Especially important is that both these public figures, Left Eye and Tupac, addressed very important social issues and could be looked at as modern day preachers or prophets. It says something about our culture that we are so desperate to resurrect these figures and bring them back to life. I am scared though that people misunderstand what this resurrection really means. This goes back to the problem of people taking mythologies too literal. It is another desperate outward attempt to escape the troubles that are within our psyche. We are still looking to other outward sources to fix and understand our problems.
The journey is within yourself. It is up to the individual to experience and understand the eternal message these artists were sharing with the world; and internalize it in order to fully grasp their meaning. And through this, we are one step closer to understanding our connection with the universe. It is your individual journey that causes either negative or positive reactions to all that surround you. Be a part of the positive change.
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