Monday, April 2, 2012


The misinterpretation of zombies in our society is puzzling to me. Zombies reflect the sector of society that is created by the mindless sheep that blindly follow whoever has supreme power and control (and by supreme power and control I am referring to money). Instead of craving brains, they crave money. We mustn't fight these zombies with gun power, but with the power of knowledge and insight. Zombies have already taken over our world, and we have been blind to this invasion. It takes like-minded people to connect together and fight against this travesty with our collective minds and with the force of love found within our symbolic hearts. Zombies surround us now in our everyday lives. Look around and they will emerge. The drones that follow a systematic routine of lifeless living. And, if you don't see them, sadly you might be one of them. However, contrary to the zombie mythologies that saturate our modern-day society, it is never too late to wake up from this mindless sleep. It is never too late to awaken from a mundane existence. Mass media wants us to believe that there is no hope for this sector of "zombies" in our society. But, if we give up on each other, then we are doomed to destroy ourselves. Open your eyes and open your hearts. There is hope. You simply have to believe in it.

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